Although the Indonesian Internet users is still small compared to other Southeast Asian countries, especially compared to Asia or the developed countries, a citizen of Indonesia in the Internet already "popular" and polluted! Blacklists Indonesia signed a number of online shopping at the famous, especially at and credit cards from Indonesia being watched even blocked.
Carding is shopping using the same credit card and identity to others, who obtained illegally, usually by stealing the data on the internet. The term culprit was Carder. Another term for this type of crime is fraud alias cyberfroud in cyberspace.
According to the Commerce Clear Research Inc., information technology company based in Texas - the U.S., Carder Indonesia has the world's second largest after the Ukrainian.
As many as 20 percent of transactions over the Internet from Indonesia is the result of carding.
As a result, many online shopping sites that block the IP or Internet protocol (Internet computer addresses) from Indonesia. If we're shopping online, shop online purchase form did not include the name of Indonesia. This means that Indonesia is not allowed consumers shopping on the site.
According to observations ICT Watch, who observed the institution of the internet in Indonesia, the Carder now operating further away, with the deception through chat rooms on mIRC. The way the Carder offering goods like carding his results at a low price in the channel. For example, the laptop sold for Rp 1,000,000. Once there is interest, Carder ask buyers to send money to his account. Money obtained, but the goods never delivered.
Hacking is a computer program through the activities of others to. Hacker is someone who likes to ngoprek computers, have the expertise to make and read a particular program, and obsessed with watching the security (security) it. Hacker has a double face; there was a grafter dear.
Budiman hacker tells the computer programmer breached, that there are weaknesses in the programs created, so that it can "leak", to be remedied. Meanwhile, hackers grafter, through the programs of others to destroy and steal data.
Cracking is a hack for malicious purposes. The term for the cracker is a black hat hackers (black hat hackers). In contrast to the only peer Carder credit cards, savings peek cracker customers in various banks or other sensitive data centers to benefit themselves.
Although both security through other people's computers, hackers are more focused on the process. Meanwhile, cracker more focused to enjoy the results.
Last week, the FBI in cooperation with Dutch police and Australian police arrested a teenager who has been a cracker through 50 thousand computers and 1.3 million accounts peek various banks in the world. With the action, cracker named Owen Thor Walker has been making money as much as Rp1, 8 trillion. Crackers are still 18 years in high school was arrested after the criminal activity in cyberspace under investigation since 2006.
Defacing a website to change your activities / other party website, as happened in RI site and the Golkar Party, the central bank recently and the Commission website during the election of 2004. There deface actions purely for fun, skill demonstrations, showing off the ability to program, but there is also evil, to steal data and sell to other parties.
Phishing is a computer user of fishing activities on the internet (user) in order to provide user self-data information (username) and password (passwords) on a website which had been deface. Phishing is usually directed to online banking users. User data field and a vital passwords that have been sent eventually will belong to these criminals and used for purchases with a credit card or cash accounts of its victims.
Spamming is the sending of news or advertising through electronic mail (e-mail) is not desired.Spam is often referred to as bulk mail or junk e-mail alias "rubbish". Nonetheless, many are affected and become victims. The most are sending e-mails can be a gift, lottery, or someone who claims to have an account at a bank in Africa or the Middle East, asking for help to dilute netters, with promises for results.
Then the victims requested their account number, and send the money / funds as a fisherman, of course in U.S. dollars, and later there was reportedly no longer. A private college president in Indonesia have reported up to Rp1 billion deceived in this way because spaming.
Malware is a computer program to find the weaknesses of a software. Generally malware created to break or damage the software or operating system. Malware consists of various kinds, namely: viruses, worms, trojan horses, adware, browser hijacker, etc.. In the market computer equipment and software stores (software) is already available anti-spam and anti-virus, and anti-malware.
However, for those who do not watch out there's always a hit. Because viruses and malware makers generally kept creative and productive in making the program to work on his victims. (